The hydro-treadmill is an effective way to strengthen muscle and functional range of motion following an injury or as a pre and post-operative care rehabilitative method. It can also be used in conditioning programs for canine athletes and weight-loss programs for obese animals.
At all times, the patient will be accompanied by 1 therapist to facilitate the treatment and ensure safety of the patient. The therapist may be accompanied by an assistant therapist if additional care is required.
Once the dog is placed on the treadmill, water is filled gradually from the base of the treadmill so that the dogs will not be alarmed by the change in environment. This means that even dogs that appear fearful of water learn to exercise in just a few minutes in the underwater treadmill.
The water can be filled to the desired level and is hence suitable for dogs of all sizes and also allow us to manipulate the activity of the dog on the treadmill. The adjustable water level also allows us to control the amount of weight to be offloaded from the patient during exercise as desired. There is also a remarkable increase in range of movement of the dog in the underwater treadmill as compared to normal land based walking. By offloading the weight, animals suffering from joint discomfort will be able to exercise with comfort. However, the water still provides resistance to work the relevant muscle groups to promote muscle strength.
Hydrostatic pressure; pressure that water places on the body, helps promote better circulation and provides natural pain relief effect on the patient. It can also decrease any swelling (oedema) in the patient’s joints.
Patients will be exercising in warm water, which soothes any joints and muscles discomfort, reduce stiffness as well as promoting blood circulation.
The duration of each session is fully adjustable down to seconds. Together with the adjustable water level, our centre provides fully customisable underwater treadmill programs to suit the individual patient’s needs.